The purpose of the school-leaver practice is: the acquirement of special skills and practical experience at an employer corresponding with reached education stage of a school-leaver in the relevant group of instructional and educational branches.
For the school-leaver for the purposes of the allowance provision to perform the school-leaver practice the following persons are considered: person younger than 26 years, who leaved the continuous preparation for a job with relevant education stage in the full-time study less than two years ago and before registering in the job seeker register did not have regular paid job.
Conditions of allowance provision for school-leaver practice: the school-leaver practice may be performed according to an agreement to be concluded between the Office of Labor, Social Matters and Family and the school-leaver who is registered in the job seeker register of the Office of Labor, Social Matters and Family for minimum one month.
School-leaver practice performance: the school-leaver practice may be performed pursuant to written agreement related to school-leaver practice concluded between the school-leaver registered in the job seeker register for minimum one month and the Office of Labor, Social Matters and Family und pursuant to written agreement concluded between the Office of Labor, Social Matters and Family and the employer.
The school-leaver practice is performed minimum 3 months and maximum 6 months without possibility of its prolongation and repeated provision in the scope of 20 weeks weekly.
Start of the school-leaver practice and its scope is determined by the employer.
During the school-leaver practice performance the school leaver is entitled to have a leave of ten work days, which originates after elapsing of two months of school-leaver practice only.
After finishing the school-leaver practice, the employer issued to the school leaver a confirmation related to school-leaver practice performance.
During the school-leaver practice, the school leaver remains in the job seeker register of the relevant Office of Labor, Social Matters and Family.
Allowance amount to perform the school-leaver practice: during the school-leaver practice performance, the relevant Office of Labor, Social Matters and Family provides to the school leaver the monthly lump-sum allowance in amount of 65% of the substinence minimum provided to one adult person pursuant to the Act No. 601/2003 of the Code related to substinence minimum and changes and amendments of some acts as amended by later regulations. This allowance has to serve his/her unavoidable cost connected with school-leaver practice. The lump-sum to perform the school-leaver practice is provided by the relevant Office of Labor, Social Matters and Family within 15 work days after elapsing the calendar month, for which the lump-sum allowance is provided.
Reduction of allowance to perform the school-leaver practice: the lump-sum to perform the school-leaver practice is reduced for leave days, to which the school-leaver is entitled in the scope of 10 work days after elapsing two months of school-leaver practice performance only, this absence is related to temporary incapacity to work, because of treatment of a family member and other absence days pursuant to attendance record, which is to be submitted by the employer monthly within ten work days to the Office of Labor, Social Matters and Family.
The school-leaver is mainly obliged: to perform the school-leaver practice at the employer agreed by the Office of Labor, Social Matters and Family; follow generally obligatory legal regulations, internal regulations of the employer and mainly the regulations and regulations to assure the occupational safety and work hygiene, with which the person performing the school-leaver practice were made familiar provably, when performing the school leaver practice; to compensate to the Office of Labor, Social Matters and Family a damage caused to the employer by the school leaver knowingly; conclude a written contract related to accident insurance during the performance of the school-leaver practice.
Office of Labor, Social Matters and Family is mainly obliged: to provide to the school leaver compensation for accident insurance premiums during the performance of the of the school-leaver practice; provide to the school-leaver a lump-sum allowance in amount of 65% of substinence minimum monthly within 15 work days after elapsing the month, for which the lump-sum is provided. .
The employer is mainly obliged: to create the conditions for the school leaver to perform the school-leaver practice; made the school leaver familiar with the generally binding legal regulations, internal regulations and regulations to assure the occupational safety and health protection when performing the school-leaver practice; keep attendance record of the school leaver and submit it within ten work days after elapsing of the month to the Office of Labor, Social Matters and Family; inform the Office of Labor, Social Matters and Family about absence of the school leaver from school-leaver practice performance as well as premature finish of the school-leaver practice not later than within two work days; allow to authorized persons of the Office of Labor, Social Matters and Family to perform the inspection of fulfillment of agreement between the Office of Labor, Social Matters and Family and the employer; avoid to reduce amount of jobs because of engaging a school–leaver to perform the school-leaver practice.